Reward System
DigitalSquid Games features two main reward systems: Single Play rewards based on entry fees and platform fees, and Tournament rewards with fixed prize pools. Both systems are enhanced by achievement bonuses and multipliers.
Reward Types
Single Play Rewards
Rewards for individual and team matches.
Solo Victory95% of Prize Pool
Team Victory90% Split
Mixed Battle Win92% Split
Runner-upProportional Share
Tournament Rewards
Weekly tournament prize distribution.
1st Place44,000 $DSG
2nd Place22,000 $DSG
3rd Place11,000 $DSG
4th-10th1,571 $DSG each
Achievement Bonuses
Special rewards for accomplishing specific feats.
Perfect Game1,000 $DSG
Win Streak (5)500 $DSG
Team MVP250 $DSG
AI Master300 $DSG
Reward Multipliers
AI Difficulty
Basic AI
Advanced AI
Expert AI
Staking Amount
1,000 $DSG
5,000 $DSG
10,000 $DSG
Performance History
3 top 10 finishes
5 top 5 finishes
Previous winner
Reward Calculations
Single Play Prize
Total Entry Fees × (1 - Platform Fee)
// Example calculation
const calculateSinglePlayPrize = (
entryFee: number,
players: number,
platformFee: number
): number => {
const totalFees = entryFee * players;
return totalFees * (1 - platformFee);
// 4 players, $500 DSG entry, 7.5% fee
const prize = calculateSinglePlayPrize(500, 4, 0.075); // 1,850 $DSG
// Distribution example for team game
const teamDistribution = {
first: prize * 0.5, // 925 $DSG
second: prize * 0.3, // 555 $DSG
third: prize * 0.2 // 370 $DSG
Tournament Prize
Fixed Prize Pool with Position-based Distribution
// Example calculation
const calculateTournamentPrize = (
position: number,
prizePool: number = 88000
): number => {
const distribution = {
1: 0.5, // 50% for 1st = 44,000 $DSG
2: 0.25, // 25% for 2nd = 22,000 $DSG
3: 0.125, // 12.5% for 3rd = 11,000 $DSG
other: 0.125 / 7 // ~1.8% each for 4th-10th = 1,571 $DSG
return prizePool * (position <= 3
? distribution[position]
: (position <= 10 ? distribution.other : 0));